==================================================================== Portable Zip Archive ("Stick") Version for Open Object Rexx (ooRexx) ==================================================================== ooRexx (open object Rexx) is an easy-to-learn, dynamically typed, caseless, and powerful programming language. ooRexx implements the message paradigm that makes it easy to interact with any type of system. ooRexx is an open-source project governed by the non-profit, international special interest group named "Rexx Language Association" (RexxLA). This version of ooRexx allows you to install several versions of ooRexx on the same computer in parallel, and choose which version is used on a program-by- program basis. It also allows you to install one or more versions in a removable drive (e.g., in an external USB stick, hence the name "portable") and carry it along, using it on different machines. Links: ooRexx Project: https://sourceforge.net/projects/oorexx/ RexxLA Homepage: http://www.rexxla.org ------------------------------------- Creating the Portable Scripts (Setup) ------------------------------------- After unzipping the portable zip archive (using "unzip" or "7z") and changing into the created subdirectory run Windows: Unix: -------- ----- setup.cmd ./setup.sh (Unix) which will run "setup.rex" using the Rexx interpreter from its "bin" subdirectory (i.e., "bin/rexx setup.rex"). This will create two shell scripts: Windows: Unix: -------- ----- run.cmd run setenv.cmd setenv If the location of the script's home directory has changed simply rerun the "setup.cmd" (Windows)/"setup.sh" (Unix) script to recreate the two shell scripts picking up the new location. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose and usage of the script "run.cmd" (Windows) or "run" (Unix): temporarily change PATH to find the portable version of ooRexx first ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This script will temporarily set up the environment. It expects 'rexx' followed by the name of a Rexx program and optionally followed by any arguments for the Rexx program, e.g. run rexx testoorexx.rex (Windows) ./run rexx testoorexx.rex (Unix) In case "ooRexx packages with oorexxshell" is installed (a subdirectory 'packages' exists) then oorexxshell can be run as well: run oorexxshell (Windows) ./run oorexxshell (Unix) -> oorexxshell explanations/demos: https://jlfaucher.github.io/executor.master/demos/index.html Upon return from the "run" process the shell's environment is unchanged. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose and usage of the script "setenv.cmd" (Windows) or "setenv" (Unix): allow to change the environment permanently in a shell to find the portable version of ooRexx first ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This script will permanently set up the environment in the current terminal shell: setenv (Windows) source ./setenv (Unix, you MUST use the "source" command) After executing the script the environment gets changed such that the portable version of rexx.exe/rexx will be found first for the duration of the terminal session. To use it use "rexx" to run Rexx programs, e.g.: rexx testoorexx.rex In case "ooRexx packages with oorexxshell" is installed (a subdirectory 'packages' exists) then oorexxshell can be run as well: oorexxshell (both Windows and Unix) To locate the Rexx directory being used by the generated scripts inspect the environment variables REXX_HOME, OOREXX_HOME and PATH, e.g. echo %REXX_HOME% (Windows) echo %OOREXX_HOME% (Windows) echo %PATH% (Windows) echo $REXX_HOME (Unix, usually not set) echo $OOREXX_HOME (Unix) echo $PATH (Unix) -------------- as of 20241201